18 July 2024

AI - friend or foe?

How can we harness Artificial intelligence for good?

AI - friend or foe?
How can we harness Artificial Intelligence for good?

Artificial Intelligence has exploded into the public consciousness, thanks largely to the meteoric rise of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, with its remarkable ability to generate fluent text.

AI is becoming increasingly powerful and available, with promise of huge gains. However, this rapid rise has sparked  fears about the technology’s power to will affect livelihoods, the advent of machine domination and how AI  will ultimately shape the world.

Even now, AI has the power to transform the way we live and work.

With the technology evolving so quickly, it can be hard to make sense of. What is AI capable of now? What it might be able to do in the future? How can we gain control and capture the benefits for the general good?

Our expert panel will tackle the biggest issues, from how to benefit from AI to the risks it poses.

We invite you to join the conversation and have your questions answered.


Dr Juliet Andrews
Dr Juliet Andrews
Partner, Ernst & Young
Partner, Ernst & Young
Juliet has over twenty years’ experience in workforce change with a particular focus on the changing nature of work and how organisations can plan and prepare for the impact of AI, digital transformation, globalisation, hybrid work and shifting employee expectations. Juliet leads the EY response of the Future of Work and AI, examining how work is changing and our readiness to adapt to new ways of working. She brings a depth of advisory experience in both the public and private sector, designing and implementing workforce reform and cultural change to enable organisations to rapidly prepare for emerging technology and change. Juliet is a registered psychologist and has a PhD from the University of NSW in Organisation and Management.
