23 February 2022

Confronting Extremes: How Australian environment is changing

Hear from Professor Emma Johnston AO FTSE, Chief Author of the Federal Government’s landmark ‘State of the Environment Report 2021’.

Confronting Extremes: how the Australian environment is changing

ATSE and UUSC are delighted to announce an outstanding Speaker for the first of our 2022 events in the ATSE-UUSC Luncheon Series, now in its 9th year.

In recognition of her influence on the future wellbeing of all Australians through state and federal environmental science, policy, and management, our first speaker will be Prof. Emma Johnston AO FTSE FRSN, Dean of Science at UNSW.

Prof. Johnston is an international authority on marine ecology, and importantly, a Chief Author of the Federal Government’s landmark ‘State of the Environment Report 2021’.

In-person at the UUSC on 23 February 2022, Prof. Johnston will provide a robust account of the current state and pressures on the Australian environment at this timely and important lunch.

Join us for this unique opportunity to discuss the challenges and opportunities for our nation. There will be opportunity for Q&A following the presentation.

Keynote speaker