05 March 2024

Women in STEM – Accelerating progress

Join us for our first SYF webinar of 2024 as we get to know some of Australia’s leading STEM professionals, advocating for increased participation of women and girls in STEM!

Watch the recording

Join us for the first of our 2024 free webinar series Shape Your Future, an educational initiative from the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering (ATSE), which brings together the brightest minds in science, technology and engineering for a chat with students from across Australia.

Our first session for 2024, titled ” Women in STEM: Accelerating Progress “ celebrates International Women’s Day by bringing together some of Australia’s best and brightest Women in STEM, including ATSE’s esteemed President and Chair, Dr Katherine Woodthorpe AO FTSE FAICD, to discuss their career journey and champion greater participation of women and girls in STEM.

Boosting the rates of women in STEM is more important than ever. In 2021, just 36% of university students in STEM identified as female. Moreover, women comprised only about 16% of engineering graduates in Australia, and a mere 14% of the engineering workforce. Evidently, women represent an untapped resource that can help bolster Australia’s STEM workforce. And yet, research indicates that one of the primary obstacles for girls and women pursuing STEM careers is lack of familiarity with the field.

Join us for our first SYF webinar of 2024 as we get to know some of Australia’s leading STEM professionals, advocating for increased participation of women and girls in STEM!