26 April 2024

Submission to the National Water Reform Interim Report consultation

ATSE supports the Interim Report’s renewal of the commitment to the National Water Reform, building on the foundations to ensure Australia’s water resources’ security amidst climate change and population growth. 

Read submission

ATSE’s interim submission thanks the Productivity Commission for incorporating many of the issues raised by our initial submission. This interim submission strongly supports the Interim Report’s renewal of the commitment to the National Water Reform, building on the solid foundations of the National Water Initiative (NWI) to ensure Australia’s water resources’ long-term security amidst climate change and population growth. 

ATSE’s submission focuses on areas that require further development and strengthening in the Final Report, including National Water Commission reinstatement, sustained knowledge generation, urban water, and accountable and proactive consultation with a view to forming responsible partnerships with and between irrigators, industry and communities.