24 November 2023

Submission to the Roadmap to Establish an Australian Decommissioning Industry for Offshore Oil and Gas consultation

Decommissioning offshore oil and gas infrastructure is an important aspect of the energy transition, ensuring obsolete infrastructure is managed in an environmentally responsible manner.


Decommissioning offshore oil and gas infrastructure is an important aspect of the energy transition, ensuring obsolete infrastructure is managed in an environmentally responsible manner. If handled well, there is significant opportunity in this decommissioning process for Australian businesses supported by Government commitment. However, regulatory complexities, competition for investments and talent, and geographic variations present challenges to crafting a simple approach.

To support Australian industry to take advantage of this phase as an opportunity, Australia will need to address environmental and technical nuances, explore a range of approaches, update how decisions are made, and coordinate workforce development. The rate of decommissioning is expected to accelerate as Australia moves away from its reliance on fossil fuels. This will require new technologies, investment in skills development, environmental management and deep collaborations between researchers and industry.

Each individual decommissioning plan might be viable on its own, but the national strategy should ensure there are sufficient and appropriately skilled workers, and evidence through research, to support a national environmentally sound decommissioning sector.

ATSE advocates for a research and development-informed roadmap, emphasising strong links between industry and research to help recognise opportunities in the decommissioning industry that can benefit from innovative approaches and technologies. A plan for the growing decommissioning industry should also seek to provide skilled employment opportunities, including for workers displaced by the energy transition.

Recommendation 1: Actively promote and support the development of the decommissioning industry by providing an evidence-based, consistent policy framework that encourages investment and innovation.

Recommendation 2: Require decommissioning projects to engage with Traditional Owners of affected waters and nearby lands.

Recommendation 3: Prioritise research and development for safety and corrosion control in long-term decommissioning of radioactive material and set stringent standards for minimal impact on marine life.

Recommendation 4: Collaborate with industry and research to develop engineering and maintenance guidelines for reusing or repurposing offshore oil and gas infrastructure.

Recommendation 5: Include a national strategy to develop a skilled workforce for the growing offshore decommissioning industry within this roadmap.

Recommendation 6: Involve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and Traditional Owners for respectful, community-focused decommissioning industry development.