Dr Tom Hatton
Dr Tom Hatton FTSE PSM Adjunct Professor
Dr Hatton served Australia’s Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Organisation (CSIRO) for 25 years as a research scientist and as senior executive with national leadership of their water, marine and energy research, for which he was recognised with the CSIRO Chairman’s Medal and the Australian Public Service Medal for his contributions to sustainably managing Australia’s water resources, including the first national survey and assessment of groundwater dependent ecosystems. He has served on the Western Australian Conservation Commission, chaired the WA Marine Parks Authority and the Australian State of the Environment Committee, and served on the first National Sustainability Council. He chaired the 2018 Independent Scientific Panel Inquiry into Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in Western Australia and served as Chair of the Western Australia Environmental Protection Authority 2015 -2020. He is Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia and Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering. He is Director of Thomas Hatton Environmental Consulting.

Fellow status Elected 2016 Division WA
Fellowship Affiliations The University of Western Australia (UWA) Classification Government Sector B - Water & Environment Expertise 154 - Environmental science and technology (physical)

Dr Tom Hatton's nomination for election to the Academy is based on a combination of significant individual contributions to the development of technologies and their application to natural resource management; and outstanding leadership in the development of water, marine and energy technologies and their application to management and influence on public policy.